Wave Power

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Arshey Dhangekar

Wave Power is the energy produced due to the transport of energy caused by ocean surface waves. Multiple factors caused the generation of waves in the ocean and sea, such as solar energy, uneven solar heat­ing and subsequent cooling of the earth’s crust, the earth’s rotation, etc.

Wave energy, when active, is very concentrated; therefore, wave energy conversion into useful energy. It can be useful for electricity generation, water desalination, and hydrogen production, etc. The potential power of wave energy is so huge that it becomes an essential part of the world’s electricity supply in a sustainable future. However, due to a lack of commercial and early-made devices, they are still not on par with of wind and solar energy. Even though Wave Power conversion is expensive today, wave energy can compete with wind and solar.

Figure 1 Energy density comparison [1]

Below the Wave Energy Converters are as follows:

• Point absorber.
• Oscillating water column.
• Overtopping wave power device.
• Attenuators.
• Oscillating wave surge converter.
• Submerged pressure differential.

Why wave power beneficial in deep water?

It is interesting to note that Wave energies in deep water have more benefits than shallow water. It has greater speed in deep water. Wavelength and the speed of the wave are related. Wavelength = velocity of the wave divided by the frequency of the wave. In deep water, the wave reaches its natural frequency without the interruption of a seafloor or lake bottom. Even a tsunami wave can be nearly undetectable on the open ocean. It might be traveling 500 miles per hour (800 kilometers per hour), but it has a very long wavelength and very little amplitude. A ship would slowly rise and fall, probably without the passengers or crew even noticing.

Hydrogen production

The research on exploring wave powers has become a subject of interest for many decades. However, even though there are many limitations of advanced Modern wave energy converters devices, the hydrogen production systems also seem to have a bright future. The final result would be to merge the power of Hydrogen production with that of wave energy. The prime benefit is its environmental friend and, most importantly, safe.

Power to Offshore Oil and Gas platform

The operations platforms such as Offshore Oil and the Gas platform run on electricity. So it is expected that they must benefit from the Wave energy’s energy. Because they have tremendous high-power demands. Currently, these platforms using gas turbines that run on natural gas to produce electric power supply which responsible for creating pollution in air.

Wave height in deep-water is higher as compared to shallow water. Thus, Offshore Oil and the Gas platform situate in such a condition. Hence, they are exposed to tremendous energetic wave climates; thus, they can be used for their electrification purpose.

Another factor of Electrical energy from the wave energy is its cost. Wave energy does not follow a clear day-night pattern (unlike solar energy), but it has a clear summer-winter pattern. The waves are larger in the winter. This is positively correlated because electricity prices are often higher during the winter (less solar energy, more load).

Ref: [1] Falnes, J. (2007) Marine Structures 20: Pg 185–201.