Early Stage Professionals

For professionals planning to explore the field of sustainability and impact consulting this is an ideal platform to start!

We strive to create a learning ecosystem with the help of case studies, virtual training modules, virtual masterclasses and talent network that matches young talents from diverse backgrounds with businesses in need to foster sustainable growth.

This provides the early stage professionals with an opportunity to collaborate and work in the field of sustainable business design, impact consulting, innovation management and get certified.
Getting yourself international work experience certificate along with building long lasting network can add tremendous value to students planning to explore further education (Master’s, MBA)!

A curious mind and desire to explore the field of sustainability and social impact. You could be a student or an early stage professional.

The time commitment depends on your desire to make the most of this initiative. On a general scale 5 – 10 weeks.

Once an individual has successfully passed the sustainable leadership program (SLP), they are eligible to for Education abroad program, here End-2-End application assistance for Nordic/EU and Asian university admissions is provided. The SLP fellowship holders get letter of recommendations and references from our esteemed advisors.

Along with letter of recommendations and references from our esteemed advisors.

Project groups are matched based on individual preferences and skills. Moreover, we will try to create diverse teams (different universities, locations and experiences). We believe this is the best way to meet new colleagues and friends!

Submit your application of interest using the register button, we will book a timeslot for a short introduction call.

We use this occasion to get to know you better and also to give you the chance to ask any questions.

Hopefully shortly after, you will join us.

Please do not hesitate to send us an email